This Is How We Dream Part 1 and 2
Dr. Miller is amazing. This video explains the changes that are occuring with the way we "write" things. He loves books and always dreamed of a job centered around books. He says the changes are not Fundamental, but they are Incremental. We now use Laptops, Word Processing, and the Web for research. One of the Incremental changes we have is that we now have books available in print or that are web based. We are now able to share information infinitely. We can collaborate with text, image, and film. All of these things can be put together to bring the pst and the present together.
Part Two of the video talked about Where We Work. We now work in a Digital Environment. We have visual representations of things and developments. We now publish things to You Tube and many other websites, which speeds us publication. As Educators, we must share information freely. Dr. Miller also says that teachers must be inspired to learn new things and in order for us to accomplish these things, the pedagogy must be invented.
These were amazing videos. It shows us the way that technology can incoporate the past with the present. I see a time when books will not be available in print any longer. We must learn and become accustomed to these changes.
The Chipper Series and EDM 310 for Dummies
I remember the beginning of this semester and I felt so overwhelmed. I would like to make a video showing the different stages of my feelings through the course.
I have went through feeling overwhelmed, to feeling like the more I got done, the less I had to do. I have also went through feeling as though it would never end. Now I am at the point where I can see the light and I feel as though I am about to accomplish something great.
I feel is students had a video showing all these different stages of feelings while going through this course, then they would know that it is really not that bad and that at some point there is a sense of accomplishment.
Learn to Change, Change to Learn
I was astonished when this video stated that Education was ranked below coal mining by the US Dept. of Commerce by the level of IT Intensiveness. That is bad. Where have we been and what are we doing to our kids?
The statement that kids are more stimulated outside school than in school is, unfortunately, a true statement. Like the video said, "Kids are big communicators through technology, but these things are banned in school. We have to make school more interesting. If technology is what the kids want, let's get it in the schools and keep our kids interested and in school.
As teachers, we need these resources. If we don't get them, then we are fighting a losing battle. This is about a community, not a building called a school. This is about our future. This video really got me fired up. We need something done to better our Education system and make the changes that need to be made.
Secret Powers of Time By: Philip Zambardo
This video discusses the way people are affected by time and where we live in the world. He states that there are 6 main time zones in the world. Two that focus on the past, two that focus on the present, and two that focus on the future. I had never in all my life thought of it that way, but as I watched this video, it put it all in perspective. Like, the South is more past oriented and the North is more Future oriented. When you think of it, it really is that way.
I was also surprised by that fact that he says, "Different countries and cities can be recognized by their Pace of Life." But if you think of New York City, you realize that it is so. When you think of it, where we live does effect how we view time and how we value it. Which in turn, effects the way we value our education.
Drive: The Surprising Truth About what Motivates Us By: David Pink
I love these illustrated videos. This video talks about the different ways we are motivated and what motivates us more and less. For instance, we reward the good and punish the bad. He says that motivations are unbelievably interesting due to the fact that this is not always the case.
For simple tasks, higher pay equals better performance, but when the task is more difficult and creative, conceptual thinking is required then higher incentives lead to worse performance. But all in all, money is a motivator.
I am going to have to think about this video. It is a little hard for me to think of it that way. I am going to go back and watch it again.
Hi Leiha!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree about having a video showing what it is like throughout EDM. I said in my post how if some of the movies we watched now, were shown at the beginning, it would have been so much easier to understand why I was actually doing these things. I was so lost, as was everyone I'm sure in the beginning so seeing what I was actually going to be doing throughout the semester, would have really helped out. I guess that is the point though, for us to learn as we go and teach ourselves. When I think of it that way, I wouldn't want something showing me what I was about to do for a semester. I liked the two videos at the end, too!
"I would like to make a video showing the different stages of my feelings through the course.
ReplyDeleteI have went through feeling overwhelmed, to feeling like the more I got done, the less I had to do. I have also went through feeling as though it would never end. Now I am at the point where I can see the light and I feel as though I am about to accomplish something great. " An excellent idea! Project 16?
Daniel Pink always raises interesting questions!
Thoughtful, thorough, well done.